As Feka Automotive Family;
We aim to fulfill the requirements of the Environmental Management System and the Occupational Health and Safety Management System to identify and control any negative impact to the environment and to the human health; to prevent injuries and impairment of health in a continuous improvement process. In line with this aim, our core principles are;
• Fulfillment of all legal and other requirements that we have to comply with regarding Environmental and Occupational Health Safety,
• Duly and efficient use of energy and decline in the consumption of natural resources,
• Reduction of waste formation by means of promoting recycling and recovery,
• Identification, monitoring and continual improvement of our Environmental and Occupational Safety objectives,
• Use of the most reliable and environment friendly technologies and raw materials that have low environmental impact and are not harmful to the human health to the extent permitted by technical and commercial possibilities,
• Identification of the occupational health safety risks which may lead to occupational accidents and diseases, reduction of these risks to an acceptable level through necessary measures to achieve the "ZERO Occupational Accident" target,
• Prior identification of the causes of environmental accidents to take relevant actions in a timely and duly manner,
• Continuous awareness-raising among all our employees, suppliers, subcontractors and the public for environmental and occupational health safety issues through information flows and trainings.